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Xixi 熙熙

Age: 3 years and 6 months
Gender: Female
Date Rescued: 09 2012

Hurrah! I’ve found home!

I just want to say a big THANK YOU to those who have sponsored me, loved me and supported TACN, it’s with your help I finally found a home to call my own. Please continue to help the other animals at TACN Beijing Rescue Centre, they’re my friends and I hope they find their home very soon!

My story:

One morning in September 2012, around 7:00, my rescuer Xiaoli found me on her way to work. My neck was tightly strung with wire and because of the pain I walked with a limp and felt driven to distraction. Xiaoli softly called to me. Upon hearing the calls I obediently walked up to her and she gently stroked my head and I gently licked her hand in return and hoping she could save me…and she did! She took me home, got some pliers and cut off the wire that was tightly strung around my neck. Although the flesh on my neck was all rotten and very painful, I didn’t make one bit of noise.

After two months of recovery, Xiaoli took me to be spayed and vaccinated and named me Xixi, which means ‘Morning Light’ in Chinese, because I was found and saved on a beautiful morning.

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