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Can You Help?

TACN Emergency Fund

Help us save injured, sick and vulnerable animals in our care.

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Cleo benefited from the Emergency Fund during #803Rescue event, and was taken in to TACN supported shelter in Beijing for follow-up care

Cat and Dog Meat Trade Survivors

We’re seeing more and more dogs and cats rescued from the cat and dog meat trade in China in addition to strays, neglected and abused pets, each rescue requires huge amount of work and fund to provide medical treatment and care for the animals that are often in critical conditions and cruelly handled.

Many of the rescues require immediate medical attention and treatment, followed by intensive care to nurse them back to health, also to provide neuter/spay and further welfare enhancement care.

We are providing help and advices to partner groups and volunteers involved in rescues in and around Beijing, many rescued animals would be hospitalised in our partner vet clinics who would provide quality medication and treatments on a hugely discounted rate based on agreed charitable partnership.

We rely solely on donations to cover the cost for treating and nursing rescued animals including dog meat trade survivors, provide them with follow-up care mainly via vaccination, neuter/spay and microchipping and potential rehoming.

Read about the latest rescues


Abandoned and Neglected Animals

When animals get rescued, they normally are in a unhealthy condition due to time spent on the streets, or they are normally abandoned due to illness or injury.

Many of them require immediate medical attention and treatment, followed by intensive care to nurse them back to health. We’ll always do whatever it takes to save injured, sick and vulnerable animals in our care. Whether that means performing life-saving surgery for animals in desperate need; providing one-on-one behavioural training for mistreated dogs; or giving care and attention as we get animals ready for their forever homes.

Read Dorje’s Story


Abandoned and Disabled Animals

Young boy Seven had been badly abused before we found him, he suffered a dislocated hind leg as well as a severe fractured bottom jaw. Because his leg injury was too old, the veterinarian had to amputate his leg. Seven later received a further surgery to repair his fractured jaw. In 2014, Seven’s luck finallt came and he found his forever home!

As a non-profit organisation, we rely entirely on our supporters and your generosity, now is more important to us than ever. With our “SNAP” (TNR & Microchipping) project started in July 2014. We’ve been sterilising and microchipping hundreds of dogs in Beijing to set an example on how to manage stray dog population effectively and efficiently to other Chinese local groups, also combine a veterinary training programme while the project progresses. Of course, these come with a financial cost.

Read Seven’s Story


Stray Animals

TACN treats and sterilises stray and rescued dogs and cats whenever we can. Many of these dogs and cats require life saving, emergency treatment.You may not be in China, but you can still help these animals by donating to TACN Emergency Fund or become a monthly sponsor for TACN.

By making a donation, you will be making sure these dogs & cats receive the care and treatment that they desperately need and deserve.

Your donation is their lifeline.

Together, we CAN make a difference!


Or, Become a Sponsor

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Please notice:

Donations made to Together for Animals in China (TACN) are subject to the organisation’s terms and conditions and private policy, if you have any doubt or question please contact us via email:

Donations and Refund Policy