
Event Date:

21st – 29th December

Event Venue:

BHG Mall – Shangdi Store 4th floor (Tube Station: Shangdi, South Exit)

More Event Photos on TACN’s Flickr

Today, 21st December 2013 Saturday, has been a joyful, eventful and successful day for the launch of our photo exhibition tour. Started off with Animals Asia‘s award ceremony for their Beijing winners of “We Share The Love” photography contest which was held for the celebration of The World Animal Day 2013.

We are very grateful to have received such great help and support from our volunteers who worked tirelessly since early morning, setting up the stage, and getting everything in place for the event. Our volunteers are local university students and many of them have been volunteering with us and taking part in our public education projects since the beginning. Everybody worked so hard to make sure the event goes smoothly, and guests were entertained.


Lots of people have brought their kids along to join in with the fun and the kids enjoyed themselves very much, they loved getting onto the stage and let everyone know why they love animals and what their wishes are for the animals for the festive season and in the new year.

And of course, Wang Wang, signature of TACN was on the stage, too! Sending her love and blessing to all the winners who were receiving their awards.


The winner of the category “Stray Angels” captured the cats living at Temple of Heaven where many of them tragically killed. Reports of the tragedy on Facebook and Weibo went viral, and many people protested outside of Temple of Heaven parkland demanding justice for the cats. Read the story. Therefore, the award for this category of photos also means something deeper for us and many other rescuers who took care of those cats for many years at the parkland.


We arranged some meaningful interaction activities which the kids could take part in. We have set up a Christmas wish tree where the kids could hang up their wishes for the animals on the tree as their gifts to the animals.

This little girl in the photo is daughter of one of our volunteers, she’s very passionate about helping animals and wished all stray animals could find forever loving homes in the new year and stay warm and safe.


Hanging up their wishes on the tree with help from their mothers.

Hanging up their wishes on the tree

Our photo exhibition attracted many attention, too. Apart from the three categories of Animals Asia’s winning photos, we also have photos of our shelter animals and the cats from Moon Corner Stray Cat Colony, all shot by our volunteer photographer Anna (AKA. Zihaizi).

Winners’ photos of Animals Asia’s Photography Contest:

Winners' photos of Animals Asia's Photography Contest

Photos showcasing animals at TACN Rescue Centre in Beijing:


Photos showcasing the cats at Moon Corner Cat Colony:

Photos showcasing the cats at Moon Corner Cat Colony

Our exhibition will carry on until the evening of 29th December. So if you or your friends are in Beijing, make sure you drop by and say hello.

More Event Photos on TACN’s Flickr